Saturday, June 23, 2018

Epiphany: Blockchain-powered Decentralized Crypto Trading Platform

The cryptocurrency market seems to be growing in popularity every day. With the astronomical rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, there seems to be an influx of people into the market. Many cryptocurrency exchanges cannot even afford to have their account creation feature open all the time. Such is the demand for entry into the market that trading account creation for new customers is periodically disabled. The average daily trading volume of the market is usually in trillions of dollars. The total market cap of the entire market stands at more than half a trillion dollars which is an astonishing feat considering the market is less than a decade old.

Despite all of these large numbers, there are a number of major problems that plague the market. To use these numbers solely as an appraisal index of the state of the market would present a false narrative. There are structural and functional issues that affect the market. These problems stem from a variety of reasons such as the infant nature of the market, lack of understanding of the cryptocurrency space, and some peculiar economics of cryptocurrencies (“tokenomics”) just to name a few.

One of the current problems is the price of a cryptocurrency can vary considerably on the different exchange platforms. With such extreme price differences for the same cryptocurrency, price charting becomes a difficult endeavor. Add to this, the sheer degree of volatility in the market and the problem becomes even more exacerbated. It’s hard for a new user to compare and search for multi-platform prices in one place. 

The data privacy issue is also a bit of confusion. In decentralized blockchains, the data that’s stored in nodes are available to the public. When it comes to personal and sensitive information, participants would want a system where it could remain safe. 

Meanwhile, the main problem of using centralized platforms, is the lack of transparency. The inability to trace back activities by all members involved is common in centralized system, coin stolen from (or by) the exchanges, frauds committed by the exchanges, trading controlled by the exchanges

Epiphany solves all of these issues through the use of blockchain platform. The platform was made with the following aspects in mind:

  • Professional: Highly trained operation team - A professional team to guarantee stable operation of the platform round the clock, providing secure, stable and reliable trading environment for users
  • Intelligent: EPIPHANY’s Super AI enables the system to detect system loopholes and automatically implement intelligent optimizations. The Super Engine along with AI and the core database (trading data of digital asset projects on global trading systems) are adopted for information traceability, data mining and analysis.
  • Secure: Complete risk control system - Risk control is performed before, during and after trades to guarantee user asset security.
  • Reliable: Strict multi-party supervision - A multi-party check on transactions and digital asset will be performed by the platform with financial supervision authorities. At the same time, a separate AML mechanism is established to protect the legal rights and interests of each participant.

Epiphany is built on a platform that is decentralized. In addition, incorporating Smart Contracts is believed to eliminate transparency problems. Next, the use of the Risk Control System is worth mentioning here, as risk control is said to be performed and assessed on every stage of a trade (buys, sells, or transfers). This places great emphasis on the security of one’s holdings.

Other factors that contribute towards the overall success of Epiphany include their experienced team, an AI system that claims to catch loopholes in which digital asset projects can be created and its own token. The token that will used as a medium of exchange in the Epiphany ecosystem is called the EPN token.

This NEO-backed trading platform aims to make investments easier and more interesting. The platform provides trading supplements for beginner investors (trading strategies, asset allocation charts, etc.), where they can compare their trading actions with professionals. This helps reduce the learning curve and get new users more interested in crypto trading.

Another interesting feature is that they can “copy/follow” the strategies of the professional traders. The platform gives novice investors adequate supplements and trading resources to help them master trading and investing on their own.

For more information about Epiphany, feel free to visit Epiphany important links below:

Website & newsletter:

BCT Username: tpq01349

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