Saturday, June 23, 2018

P2PS: Blockchain-based Secure P2P Digital Communication Platform

The digitization of our society continues apace. Millions of machines are networked with each other and huge quantities of data are being processed. All of which gives rise to questions about our data protection standards, which traditionally tend to be high in Europe. How can we transfer these standards to a digital age? Is it enough to comply with laws or do we need rules which go beyond these in order to gain people's trust? Digital responsibility lies at the heart of all these issues. A responsibility, especially when it comes to data privacy.

In the digital world, new business models are generating more and more personal data and processing that data in disparate ways. The individual struggles to comprehend the complexity of the data flows. This trend is set to accelerate further over the next few years as devices and everyday objects are increasingly networked. Virtually every aspect of our lives will be affected. Whether it is shopping or at the doctor's office, at work or leisure: Data is being collected, networked and correlated everywhere.

Many people are worried about this development. Skepticism of new digital business models is rife. These business models in particular depend on customer trust and ultimately acceptance in society. Some people would even like to see us stop processing data altogether in order to allay these fears. But that is not an approach our society can embrace as it moves into the future. Today we have no alternative to data processing. Virtually all existing and upcoming business models are based on processing data and the associated information. Our society would grind to a halt without data processing. So we need to find ways and solutions that inspire people's trust in digital business models and bolster that trust long term. So while we do need data processing, it also needs to be compatible with data privacy. Because it is clear that if people do not trust us to use their data, then it is not only the economy that stands to lose out. Developments that are essential to society, such as in the medical field, would also be permanently jeopardized as a result.

Blockchain, with its encrypted and immutable record, will eventually be used create universal digital identities, filled with information that only we will control and that will link back to the issuing banks, governments or even employers. Fintech firms, software makers, telecom providers and other businesses have joined forces develop a blockchain-based network that will enable anyone to exchange digital credentials online and without the risk of unintentionally exposing any private data.

Blockchain was first used as a peer-to-peer (P2P) ledger for registering the Bitcoin economic transactions A transaction represents a transfer of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. New transactions are relayed to all peers of the blockchain, which check their validity. Valid transactions are grouped into a block and stored in the blockchain in a way that tampering with them is nearly impossible, as it would require large computational power. Many peers store the entire history of the blockchain, therefore they are called full nodes. Each attempt of registering non valid transaction in the blockchain or changing its history is detected by those nodes and can be avoided. The result is a system enabling secure economic transactions which, by virtue of its P2P nature, is not controlled by any centralized entity (there is no bank issuing the currency) and does not feature single points of failure.

The tamper-resistance property, the validation of data inserted and the P2P nature of the blockchain enlarge the spectrum of applications of this technology, going far beyond cryptocurrencies and financial uses. Indeed, the blockchain can be seen as an immutable, fully-decentralized log of events, since information is validated, stored in a precise order, timestamped and -once registered- is difficult to be tampered.

Introduces you to P2P Solutions Foundation or P2PS! which described as decentralized security across peer to peer networks and powered by blockchain technology.

P2PS claimed as the world's first blockchain-powered and pure peer to peer digital communication platform. The platform designed for people who have data to be stored safely and creates the same security in exchange. The platform purpose is to bring a secure system where you can exchange secret assets or digital files without any hassle from any third party; not even a network or system administrator. P2PS is a pure peer-to-peer platform that protects, for example, your medical records, banking information and other sensitive digital assets, during an exchange between two parties.

Using the peer-to-peer networks economic ecosystem built around the interference-free communications platform, P2PS Foundation purposes to build an extremely secure and strong network of interference-free communication systems with faster processing and a perpetual record of transactions. This process also streamlines financial actions into efficient and highly secure processes.

In order to secure your data, P2PS Platform services will manage your data as follows: 
  • Stores your information 
  • Divides your information 
  • Scatters that information during storage 

This way it is practically impossible that your information could ever be hacked, meaning your data is safe and secure. In short, P2PS is described as ahead of the curve in their specific attention to the details surrounding safety and security of your information. In addition,P2PS also wanted to ensure that their platform is always available online.

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