Friday, January 11, 2019

VELIC: A Comprehensive Solution for ِCrypto-assets

One of the most talked-about topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain. If fully adopted, it will enable banks to process payments more quickly and more accurately while reducing transaction processing costs and the requirement for exceptions.

However, to capitalize on this potential, banks need to build the infrastructure required to create and operate a true global network using solutions based on this transformative technology.

The VELIC project will create a platform that enables cryptocurrency-based banking activities to center around the VELIC Platform, emanating from the fact that banking activities are carried out primarily through bank accounts. Users propose deposit and loan interest rates through a matching system, eliminating the lending-deposit spread by directly connecting users on a peer-to-peer basis. The VELIC project supports Vault, Exchanges, Loan, Investment and Cryptocurrency wealth management services through smart contracts. Ultimately the project aims to transform the crypto-finance experience for everyone.

VELIC the Crypto-Finance Ecosystem has been developing the world’s fourth industrial revolution. And as far as the revolution has begun, also its sequence with the power of blockchain technology. VELIC is a project, completely mission based that is to establish a decentralized blockchain style bank and asset manager, that will operate through the use of smart contracts.

VELIC Project aimed to solve the problem of current finance services with centralized cryptocurrency financial services. Develops a matching system that connects depositors and borrowers to provide reliable banking solutions and investment platform on VELIC Plaform. The project has been built on a decentralized blockchain. The company goal is to create a financial platform, one that will rely on cryptocurrency’s ability to operate with borderless transactions, also derived from mutual funds.

The VELIC platform services are built upon an innovative secure storage infrastructure which simultaneously offers security and accessibility - traits which are typically mutually exclusive. The platform suite of crypto financial services include Asset Management, Loans and Vault Services. The platform will be tied together by the VELIC crypto exchange.

The Vault will securely store access to crypto assets. Includes key loss prevention and solutions for the transfer of assets in case of extreme event.

The Exchange will deliver the best crypto asset trading experience and environment by hosting a safe and transparent crypto-to-crypto trade service.

The investment portion of the platform will have a range of investment products used to achieve varying degrees of exposure to the crypto assets Securely store access to crypto assets.. These are currently the major investment opportunities people have when considering cryptocurrency.

The VELIC Loan feature will allow users to borrow or lend crypto assets at preferential rates.

Those features make up VELIC. Each account started with the platform will contain these. And the purpose is to give users one online source where they can handle all their banking needs, from financing, to investing to trading, and storing crypto-assets.

The VELIC Platform is a the revolutionary global Crypto-Finance Ecosystem. Their Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) will be held in 2019 Q1. You can learn more about VELIC at The company's whitepaper is available at, it contains a detailed of the platform explanations and IEO.

Bitcointalk Username: tpq01349
Profile Link:;u=1972940


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