Tuesday, July 9, 2019

AIGO: Brings cryptocurrency to day-to-day online & in-store shopping transactions

E-Commerce scheme is experiencing massive growth - the global sales via e-commerce in 2014 was 1.3 trillion dollars - expected to double in 2020, and the number of online shoppers is also expected to increase from 1.46 billion to 2 billion by 2020. As a result, e-commerce platforms are highly saturated - every individual shop offers their own exclusive points system. Additionally, customer acquisition is a serious problem given the difficulty for service providers to distinguish themselves from the competition. E-Commerce also severely lags behind other industries in cryptocurrency adoption. Similarly, the cryptocurrency market is growing rapidly.

This growth is impeded by fundamental issues:

  • A lack of a reliable, international exchange which allows individuals to convert tokens into fiat currency.
  • No practical use for cryptocurrency in day-to-day activities
  • Over-regulation or insufficient regulation in different countries across the globe which both hurts user adoption and leads to different fraud schemes that damage reputation of credible projects
  • A requirement for specialised blockchain developers
  • A reduction in token value due to transaction fees
  • Barrier to entry

The AIGO Token Solution 

The AIGO Platform offers a practical solution to the problems outlined above as well as the potential to become the practical heart of e-commerce and cryptocurrency combined. It strives to development of a complete payment system that has needs in the business world. Expand and increase costumer payment options and brings cryptocurrency in everyday transactions.

The key focus of AIGO is giving effortless access to cryptocurrency ownership which comes with potential rise in value - without dealing with any of the underlying complexities which make cryptocurrency unattractive. 

The AigoStore is a marketplace that supports AI-System, allowing users to buy goods without confirmation from the center, which is instant without a significant time lag. Moreover, the AigoStore will also facilitate secure buying and selling of specialized skills, upgrades to existing assistants and of custom Aigos created by the API community. You could put a whole army of custom Aigos to work for you, renting their skills to others and earning while you sleep. 

The AIGO token can be adopted in any location - this global decentralised potential represents virtually limitless growth of the token. This adoption will be seamless as we seek to penetrate e-commerce platforms as well as regular retail shops, without introducing any habitual change from the user perspective.

The AIGO Card is a single card solution for all online shoppers. It's a cryptocurrency debit card that would work as similarly and as effectively as any Visa or MasterCard. This ensures that an average customer can easily adopt the use of the card due to its similarity with existing technologies. This offering allows the AIGO to have a practical daily use which cryptocurrency has been struggling to fulfill as token value was previously disconnected from its contextual use until now. 

The value in AIGO tokens is accessed by the Banking System Integration, AigoWallet, as it offers both the buy & sell instantly between a customer’s on the AIGO Dashboard Account. The AIGO Wallet provides a seamless user experience, while also providing users with the ease of making peer-to-peer transactions. This interaction consists of PullRequests, approves transactions, shows transaction history, and displays account balance.


AIGO offers sophisticated yet simple to use tools to both the businesses and consumers ensuring global adoption of the AIGO token. Since there are only a certain amount of AIGO token that can ever exist, scarcity combined with a thriving underlying decentralised ecosystem will result in appreciation of AIGO token value. Ultimately, the AIGO token functions on a revolutionary end-to-end e-commerce platform. It makes use of the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring development is secure and efficient as well as arbitrarily customisable for sellers using AIGO. This presents an enormous opportunity for existing vendors to stay ahead of the technological curve. AIGO's initial focus is to cultivate the AIGO adoption rate to create an autonomous market driven by AIGO token.

The platform will tremendously expand consumer bases on multiple fronts. Sellers and retailers using AIGO will be able to offer an extremely attractive system which completely removes the complexity of any inhibitions a person would have to enter the crypto economy. As the AIGO platform grows, the value of the token will be appreciated with the amount of users - this notably carries enormous potential as the platform allows any providers of goods and services to utilise the AIGO platform. The platform and its components are designed to easily onboard vendors and provide a user experience that does not rely on changing existing behaviour. 

Finally, if you have interested to join the AIGO community and the AIGO token in particular, the token is currently on its IEO Pre-Sale on Vindax Exchange where the supply of 100 million AIGO tokens were available to purchased. The value of 1 AIGO is pegged at $0.002, while 50% of its total token volume will be up for sale. This means that out of 1 Billion AIGO supply, 500 Million will be going out in sale phases.

For more detail information about AIGO, you can visit the Website, and learn their Technical Document. You can also subscribe on AIGO's social platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, or Telegram, in order to get information update.

Author's username: Tpq01349
Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1972940

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