Sunday, July 15, 2018

Attrace: Blockchain-Based Decentralized Affiliate Marketing

Thousands of companies acknowledge the impact cashback, coupons, discounts and other money-saving ideas have on their customers. But given that most of today’s cashback systems are somewhat ineffective in helping businesses achieve massive sales. Affiliate marketing has only a market share of 5% in the entire online marketing spectrum. Because of trust and technical issues, affiliate marketing has struggled to become a profitable means for online marketers. And this, therefore, gives Attrace. a reason to thrive and provide a different, efficient cashback policy.

What is Attrace? And, how it works? Let's find out in this brief review. 

What Is Attrace?

Attrace, found online at, is a decentralized affiliate marketing platform where every click and referral is tracked, not only the ones leading to conversions. Attrace is the best Affiliate Marketing where you can earn tokens by referring people to Attrace's merchant partner sites. Your earnings depend upon the numbers of people you refer. 

Attrace Platform is running through their own Blockchain, called Golang, and that's why it guarantee Unparalleled User Experience. The Attrace platform applies blockchain technology at the core of Affiliate Marketing by linking a smart contract to every individual click/referral generated, sale or no-sale. This approach makes a regulating Affiliate Network obsolete.

Attrace’s platform will remove the Affiliate Network middleman, thus bringing many benefits such as reduced fees, auditing, communication between Publisher and Merchant, and more!

Attrace plans to solve the existing affiliate marketing problems by doing the following:
  • Create a decentralized blockchain from scratch so that every referral and click is tracked.
  • Using independent validation and smart contracts to make affiliate marketing a transparent and efficient form of advertising.
  • Tracks the conversion rate, making it easier for affiliate marketers to know what marketing tactic leads to a sale.

How It Works?

Just like current Affiliate Marketing the Publisher is promoting advertisements from the Merchants with a unique hash linked to each ad. A potential customer clicks on the advertisement promoted by the Publisher and is directed to the Merchant website, with a blockchain smart contract attached to each individual click. Each purchase from a customer is registered on the unique smart contract of the individual referral. In case needed the Merchant adds an approval or rejection to the sale.

Merchant pays and Publisher gets paid in normal currency, unless ATTR (Attrace coin) is preferred. The transaction will automatically be tracked, and commissions will be paid in ATTR tokens as soon as the vendor confirms the purchase, which usually initiates in almost real-time. The ~0.5% Attrace network fee will be automatically paid in ATTR (in case needed via automatic exchange with normal currency).

Why Choose Attrace?

Attrace,, provides numerous advantages include in:

  • Fraud Detection: Smart contracts are attached to every referral/click. This means that they cannot be manipulated and resulting in accurate statistics that demonstrate the reality of your marketing campaign.
  • No Merchant Restrictions: Emerging and Long Tail markets will be judged based on reputation, not at the Affiliate Network’s discretion.
  • Direct Connection Between Merchants and Publishers: Attrace’s platform creates a direct communication between merchants and publishers via a message board.
  • Low Fee: Fees reduced with about 95%
  • Merchants Partnership: Attrace has already registered and signed affiliate marketing partnership with the following merchants: Deribit, Nauticus, Accenture, Crypto Insider, Amazix, The Dutch Selection.

Who Is Behind Attrace?

Erwin Werring
Solid background in finance, solid blockchain knowledge and serial entrepreneur with extensive experience in every aspect of online marketing

Lennard Zwart
Solid background in finance and economics and a strong track record in growing IT startups

Marius Jansen
Ex crypto trader with extensive blockchain and ICO knowledge

Remko Allertz
Serial entrepreneur, solid blockchain knowledge and strong track record as a Publisher in Affiliate Marketing

Roeland Werring
Tech Advisor
Senior IT engineer, solid blockchain knowledge, extensive experience in Affiliate Marketing and track record of successful introduction of cutting-edge technologies to end-users

Artem Vysotsky
IT & AI Advisor
High in demand Silicon Valley based software engineer with extensive Golang and AI experience

Roel Berger
Blockchain network Advisor
Senior IT engineer with deep knowledge of blockchains, distributed datastores, consensus algorithms, cryptography, security, analytics and big data

Philip Langguth
Advisor Merchant side
Solid background in finance with deep knowledge about the online challenges for large Merchants offering retail financial services

John Jansen
Successful blockchain entrepreneur - a blockchain visionary - with trading background and extensive track record in E-commerce (Merchant side)

Loes Mensink
Legal Advisor
Solid background in legal and regulatory aspects of investment management and experience with legal aspects of ICO’s

Wouter Sleijffers
Advisor Merchant and Publisher side
Solid background in engineering, solid background in online market research and extensive experience as a Merchant and Publisher in Affiliate Marketing

Dick Snel
Security Advisor
High in demand ethical hacker and security specialist with blockchain experience

Rico Engelbarts
Community Outreach
Crypto trader with extensive network in blockchain community

Prof. Sam Garg
New Venture Governance Advisor
Leading scholar of New Venture Governance on a global level, Governance Advisor to CEOs on a global level, PhD in Organizations, Technology and Entrepreneurship from Stanford University, USA

Ian Bednowitz
Advisor Merchant side and Advisor Emerging Markets
Extensive experience in growth strategy, operations and change management with a primary focus on consumer verticals on a global level

Steven Deurloo
ICO Advisor/Strategic Advisor
Solid background in FinTech venture capital and structured finance with advisory roles in various ICOs and crypto

Jamie Nuis
Brand Advisor
Branding expert. Serial entrepreneur with extensive background in brand-concepting, advertising and marketing production.

Georgios Petropoulos
Advisor Publisher Side
Founded and sold various online, media and entertainment related companies

When Will The ATTR Token Sale Be Held?

According to the company whitepaper, available at, the ATTR token Pre-ICO event will be held in 1st of August and will last in 29th of August, 2018. And, the ICO Sale is scheduled in 1st of September and will end in 27th of October, 2018. All contributions are to be made in Ether (ETH).

The ATTR Token Sale Details:

Token symbol: ATTR
Max total supply: 1,000,000,000 ATTR
Token standard: ERC20 
Token Price: 1 ATTR = $ 0.035
Token for Sale: 500,000,000 (50%)
Soft Cap: $2,000,000 
Hard Cap: $14,698,864

About Author:
Bounty0x Username: jokowaru

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